Succulent Desert Garden Workshop
I love succulents! I have studied and cultivated them for many years.
Succulents are interesting and unusual plants that can withstand extreme temperatures and little water.
In other words, they are easy to take care of, because they require little care.
Succulents are easy to cultivate, because many reproduce by offshoots which can be easily separated into new plants.
Others reproduce by just dropping leaves and letting them take root in the sand.
However, all of them reproduce by seeds formed within beautiful flowers if properly cared for.
I love succulents because they seem to have a strong will to survive!

Our workshop starts by learning about the different plants that are called succulents. There have been many books written about the subject, and we will be using them as references to learn about our plants.

Workshop participants will be using references to make their own booklet about their desert gardens. Everyone can use our blank template booklet as a model to make their own.

Examples of booklets made by students
Students will pick their plants, make a sketch, and learn about the plant’s genus and species.

We learn about the different parts of our soil mix for our desert garden.
The dishes for our gardens will be old records melted into bowls. The records are made of PVC and melt very quickly so be careful not to burn yourself (Adults only). A record is great to use because it has a drainage hole built in!

The finishing touches with be some white sand, a few mineral samples, and fossils placed in and around our desertscape!