We have been growing Luffa squash for a couple years in the garden. Luffa squash is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia, so here in the North, the seeds need to be started indoors. Starting indoors will give it the longer growing season it needs to develop its fruit.

Here’s the vine growing on the side of the greenhouse door!

Wait as long as you can to pick the squash off the vines. (first frost)
After the squash has dried for about a month, roll the squash on a table top to loosen up the skin. I split it open and peeled back the skin to reveal the sponge inside! Clean out the seeds and gunk (jelly-like substance). I use an old toothbrush.
After the squash has dried for about a month, roll the squash on a table top to loosen up the skin. I split it open and peeled back the skin to reveal the sponge inside! Clean out the seeds and gunk (jelly-like substance). I use an old toothbrush.

Cut the Luffa into sections and let it dry on a drying rack.

String is tied to the sections of Luffa, and “Melt and Pour” soap is added to the molds. Let cool and pop out of the molds.

Add a descriptive note, tie it in a bag and you have Luffa Soap on a Rope, ready for gift giving!